
WindowsСˡñWebץꥱ򥤥󥹥ȡ뤷Ƥ롣줬ޥեȤWeb Platform Installer(WebPIȤƤФ)롢ɡޥ͡Ǥ͡




Windows Web Application Gallery Principles:(Ѹ)

ʲ(May 17, 2010)

Windows Web Application GalleryפϡWindowsǡ͵ι⤤ߥ˥ƥASP.NetPHPץꥱõ긫Ĥꥤ󥹥ȡñˤޤѼԤϡեȥ꡼֥eޡȤޤǡۤʤ륿פWEbȤΥץ긫뤳ȤǤޤWeb Application Galleryפ˥ץ꤬ϿȡWeb Application Gallery ATOMեɡפƤޤATOMեɤϡWeb Application GalleryפWeb Platform InstallerIIS7ޥ͡㡼äƤۥƥ󥰥ȥ륵ӥǻȤޤ

Windows Web Application Gallery˻ä뤿ᡢȯԤϰʲθ§establish a consistent桼θʼ˽򤹤ɬפޤ

  • ǿǤ뤳(Be Current)
    • 󥯤󶡤륢ץϡWeb URLǸ줿ǿǰꤷǽ꡼ǤǤʤȤޤ
  • ̵Ǥ뤳(Be Free of Charge)
    • Windows Web App GalleryϿץϡ̵ǽ¤ʤ󶡤ʤФʤޤ󡣥󥿡ץ饤Ǥ򤢤ʤΥȤǡץեåʥ륵ݡȤ䥳󥵥ƥ󥰥ݡȤȤ󶡤Ƥ⹽ޤ󡣤ʤʤ䥵ӥ󶡤Ƥ줿鴶Ǥ
  • ߴ뤳(Be Compatible)
    • 󥯤󶡤륢ץϡWindows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP & Windows VistaưʤФʤޤIISASP.NETޤPHPץȤưɤǤ礦
  • ֤Ǥ뤳(Be Deployable)
    • 󥯤󶡤륢ץϡMicrosoft Web Application Packaging Guideפ˽äơMicrosoft Web Deploy礵ơ Microsoft Web Platform Installer v2.ưɬפޤ
  • ݡȤƤ뤳(Be Supported)
    • ʤϡʤΥץꥱɤꡢɥȤ򸫤Ĥꡢ뤤Ϥޤեʤɤ̤٥ȡեȤʴܥݡȤ̵󶡤롢WebȤ󶡤ʤФʤޤ
  • ۥƥ󥰤Ǥ뤳(Be Hostable)
    • 󥯤󶡤륢ץϡԥ塼δ¤桼äƤȤƱ褦ˡۥƥ󥰴ĶǶͭưʤФʤޤ
  • ץåȥեΩǤ뤳(Be Platform Independent)
    • 󥯤󶡤륢ץϡx86, Itanium, and x64ƤưʤФʤޤ
  • 󥯤Ƥ뤳(Be Inclusive)
    • ꡼ˡʤΥץؤΥ󥯤Ǻܤ줿ʤ顢ʤΥץꥱΥߥ˥ƥWebȤˡWindows Web Application GalleryΤʤΥץڡؤΥ󥯤ɬפǤ
  • Ǥ뤳(Be Safe)
    • The application to which you provide a link must not harm customers or be malicious, dishonest, destructive, invasive, or act in any manner restricted by the Web Gallery Application Submission agreement.
  • WebץǤ뤳(Be a Web App)
    • The application to which you provide a link must be a Web application that can be used to generate a working, usable Web site after deployment without requiring code or customization. All submissions should adhere to the application categories currently available in the Windows Web Application Gallery. Note that the Tools category is the only category no longer taking submissions.

ץꥱ ѥå˥ݡȥեɲä



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Last-modified: 2010-11-16 () 02:03:33 (5002d)